To whom it may concern:
Love is patient. It doesn’t scream and it doesn’t degrade because things weren’t done quite the way one hoped. Love is not the agitated voice from the other side of the room telling you that you can do nothing right. Love patiently waits, helps, and hopes.
Love is kind. Love doesn’t talk shit behind your back. Love doesn’t “complain” or “vent” about you and your every mess up. When you do mess up (because we all do), Love is there to encourage you and say kind things. Love builds you up.
Love doesn’t envy, doesn’t boast, and is not proud. Love knows you have so much to offer. Love sees amazing and wonderful things in you. Love loves you on your bad days just as much on your good days. Love doesn’t brag about oneself and love will never tell you that without them, you are nothing.
Love is not rude. It doesn’t say mean things just to say them. Love can be witty, but love isn’t an ass.
Love is not self-seeking. Love doesn’t just care about it’s goals. Love SO much cares about your dreams and goals that it’ll do whatever it takes to help you achieve them. Love sits down with you and excitedly watches your face light up and your eyes glow and your goals and needs become theirs.
Love is not easily angered. Love doesn’t nit-pick every tiny little thing. Love doesn’t purposely twist your words and love doesn’t get angry when you share your fears or hurts. Love understands and is patient and knows that not all always goes as planned. Love sees you trying and while may be disappointed when things don’t plan out, love gives grace.
Love keeps no record of wrongs. Love doesn’t walk around telling you how terrible you always are. Love, however, is also not a doormat. When things need discussed, love brings them up gently and puts it all on the table. Love doesn’t mean putting up with being treated terribly. But, when things are being righted, Love doesn’t constantly throw OLD (not currently or recently happening) behaviors back into play. Love also doesn’t use a person’s past or mistakes against someone.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love isn’t excited or happy when bad things happen to you. Nor are they the bringer of such things. Love doesn’t sabotage you at every turn. Love doesn’t spin lies and live in darkness but rejoices with truth and honesty and open communication.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love doesn’t pretend it doesn’t see something just to keep others comfortable. Love doesn’t standby while innocent people are hurt. Love stands up and love does something. Love doesn’t support people and stand behind them as they cheat on spouses, rape children, or abuse and neglect their children behind closed doors. Love doesn’t “throw others under the bus” just to save itself. Love stands up for what is right NO MATTER WHAT. It interjects when others are gossiping. It defends, protects. Love doesn’t put itself first. It is constantly looking out for others. Love trusts and works hard to build broken trust, doing whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. Love hopes for the best and believes in others.
Love never fails.
But, people do.
And to those who have failed to love and choose other things over love, I wish you peace, but it is time to say goodbye.
Love always.